Building a closer relationship with your dog
Let the team at Adelaide Pet Dog Training (which is featured on the RSPCA South Australia's recommended list of force-free trainers) assist you with the best training solutions for you and your dog, so your dog becomes a well-mannered member of your family and a happy, well socialised canine citizen. Using force-free, positive reward-based training methods is an enjoyable and rewarding way for you and your dog to learn new and useful skills.
Our Approach
Training should be fun for both you and your dog. Our programs are developed around "force free, positive reinforcement" training - which reinforces and enhances the learning thereby achieving the results of a well-mannered dog.
Click here to read more about us
Your Check List
Take a moment to see if one or more of the following relate to your current relationship with your dog – at home and / or in public.
Your dog -:
- jumps up
- pulls on a lead
- does not follow simple cues such as “come”
- is unreliable and/or unpredictable in public with other dogs or people
If you have ticked one or more box one of our 7 week training programs could change your relationship with your dog for the better.
Our Classes
Our classes are tailored to meet the individual needs of you and your dog. After assessing your dog/s we will recommend one of the following:
- puppy pre-school classes – held at veterinary clinics
- small group classes – with a limit to 8 dogs only per class
- one-on-one in home tuition
- behavioural consultation